Module backend.applications
This file contains the functionality for working with job applications for JobTrackr on the backend. There are functions for viewing, adding, deleting, and modifying applications. All of these functions are within the context of the current user.
def add_application(Applications)
Adds an application to the system for the given user.
Request: { email: email, companyName: string, jobTitle: string, jobId: number, description: string, url: string, date: date, status: string } Response: { status: 200 data: Success message status: 400 data: Error message }
def delete_application(Applications)
Deletes an application from the system for the given user.
Request: { email: email, jobId: number Response: { status: 200 data: Success message status: 400 data: Error message }
def modify_application(Applications)
Modifies an application for the given user.
Request: { email: email, companyName: string, jobTitle: string, jobId: number, description: string, url: string, date: date, image: string, status: string } Response: { status: 200 data: Success message status: 400 data: Error message }
def view_applications(Applications)
Returns the job applications that the user has active in the system.
Request: { email: string } Response: { status: 200 data: Success message status: 400 data: Error message }