Module backend.questions
This file handles the functionality for saved questions in JobTrackr. There are functions for deleting questions, adding questions, viewing questions, and modifying questions. These functions are all within the context of the current user.
def add_question(Questions)
Add a question to the system for the given user.
Request: { email: string question: string answer: string } Response: { status: boolean data: message (Success / Error message as per status) }
def delete_question(Questions)
Delete a question from the system for the given user.
Request: { email: string, id: number } Response: { status: boolean data: message (Success / Error message as per status) }
def modify_question(Questions)
Modifies a question in the system for a given user.
Request: { email: string id: number question: string answer: string } Response: { status: 200 data: Success message status: 400 data: Error message }
def view_questions(Questions)
View questions in the system for the given user.
Request: { email: string } Response: { status: 200 data: Success message status: 400 data: Error message }